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BaseX is a light-weight, high-performance, and scalable XML database system and XPath/XQuery processor, including full support for the W3C Update and Full Text extensions. An interactive and user-friendly GUI frontend gives you great insight into large XML data instances. It is platform independent and works out of the box.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-02-07 07:45

数据库锁定: 在不同的数据库上的更新现在可以并行执行和再也不会锁定您只读查询。XQuery: 时都会引发错误,完全堆栈跟踪现在是返回 ;已添加 EXPath Geo 模块、 提取模块和 HTML 模块 ;并且验证、 XSLT、 数据库和分析模块已被更新。在 GUI 中,错误消息,现在可点击链接使用的文本编辑器。跟踪/分析输出重定向到在实时的信息视图。
标签: XMLDB XQuery
Database locking: updates on different databases can now be executed in parallel and won't lock your read-only queries anymore. XQuery: when errors are raised, the full stack trace is now returned; the EXPath Geo Module, Fetch Module, and HTML Module have been added; and the Validation, XSLT, Database, and Profiling Modules have been updated. In the GUI, error messages are now clickable and linked with the text editor. Trace/profiling output is redirected to the info view in real-time.

2012-12-22 16:17

XQuery 现在功能快得多的批量更新,更少的内存执行时插入和替换,一种新的 db:create() 函数,在规格和 HTML 5 的支持最新的更改的更新。GUI 文本编辑器现在有一个快速和灵活搜索替换面板、 错误突出显示扩展到 XML 文件和改进用于编辑任意文本的文件。为 Web 应用程序添加了新的请求、 会话和会话模块。日志记录是修订和扩充的 HTTP 请求。SSL 支持的加入,和码头 8 iw 现在使用。RESTXQ 元素被添加为转发。改进了稳定性。
标签: XMLDB XQuery XML
XQuery now features much faster bulk updates, less memory when performing inserts and replaces, a new db:create() function, updates for the latest changes in the specs, and HTML 5 support. The GUI text editor now has a fast and flexible search/replace panel, error highlighting extended to XML files, and improvements for editing arbitrary text files. New Request, Session, and Sessions modules were added for Web applications. Logging was revised and extended to HTTP request. SSL support was added, and Jetty 8 iw now used. RESTXQ elements were added for forwarding. Stability was improved.

2012-02-20 07:11

GUI 有一个新的"一揽子方案"对话框,列出、 安装和删除 XQuery 包。"新/添加"对话框中增加了可用性和自动检测的输入格式。已添加"RAW"格式,用于简化的 raw 文件导入。"导出"对话框中已得到增强,以支持其他方法 (如 JSON,并指定其他序列化参数。在命令行上: 有一个新选项-L 查询结果和新选项-C 来从一个批处理脚本中执行命令后添加一个尾随换行符。有一个新的"选项"参数,可以在执行请求之前设置的选项。全文: 印度尼西亚的词干分析器。输入/输出: 更快地读取/写入访问到的字节数组。
The GUI has a new "Package" dialog to list, install, and delete XQuery Packages. The "New/Add" dialog has increased usability and automatic detection of input formats. "RAW" format has been added to simplify import of raw files. The "Export" dialog has been enhanced to support other methods like JSON, and to specify additional serialization parameters. On the command line: there is a new option -L to add a trailing newline after a query result, and a new option -C to execute commands from a batch script. There is a new "option" parameter to set options before executing a request. Full-Text: Indonesian Stemmer. I/O: faster read/write access to byte arrays.

2012-02-09 07:27

GUI: 管理您的数据库、 文件、 二进制文件和索引结构有比以往更容易。JSON: 导入,查询,和出口 JSON 数据通过 XQuery,其余部分,或在命令行上。增量索引: 更新的文本和属性的索引,在真正的时间。路径统计数字: 在恒定的时间检索非重复值的位置路径。新 XQuery 函数以简化数据库、 全文、 索引和存储库的访问。XQuery 3.0 功能: EQNames,命名空间构造函数,等等。在命令行的 API 已修订: 它可以处理在一次运行多个输入。
标签: XML, xquery, JSON, XMLDB, xpath
GUI: the management of your databases, documents, binary files, and index structure has got easier than ever before. JSON: import, query, and export JSON data via XQuery, REST, or on the command line. Incremental Indexing: update the text and attributes index in real time. Path Statistics: retrieve distinct values of location paths in constant time. New XQuery functions to simplify database, full-text, index, and repository access. XQuery 3.0 features: EQNames, namespace constructors, etc. The command line API has been revised: it can process multiple inputs in one run.

2011-11-13 08:52

此版本添加了词干支持日文文本语料库、 更新的启动脚本、 系统属性"org.basex.path"(以指定项目的主目录)、 许多次要 XQuery 3.0 增强功能和修补程序、 修复程序 db:optimize() 调用,修复要保留新引入的命名空间,并设置为"无"的新用户的默认权限。查询的基础 URI 计算的查询现在是 $HTTPPATH。
This release adds stemming support for Japanese text corpora, updated start scripts, the system property "org.basex.path" (to specify a project's home directory), numerous minor XQuery 3.0 enhancements and fixes, a fix for db:optimize() calls, a fix to retain newly-introduced namespaces, and default privileges for new users set to "none". The query base URI for evaluated queries is now $HTTPPATH.

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