Simple Project List Software Map

489 projects in result set
最后更新: 2006-10-12 09:33


Valpyk is a Valgrind log parser. It parses plain
text Valgrind logs, filters errors and memory
leaks using Python functions, removes duplicates,
and displays errors and top 10 memory leaks
(sorted by size).

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2007-06-03 04:29

Accerciser Accessibility Browser

Accerciser lets you test all aspects of
accessibility on the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI
to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to
check whether an application is providing correct
information to assistive technologies and
automated test frameworks. It has a simple plugin
framework that you can use to extend and customize
the accessibility information displayed. It is
written in Python and uses the pyLinAcc component
from LSR to interact with AT-SPI using pyORBit. In
essence, it is a next generation at-poke tool.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2002-12-27 13:39

formatjava for Eclipse

When you want to format multiple Java source in
Eclipse, the only way is to open each and every
file, right click in the editor window, select the
"Format" option, and save the formatted file. This
plugin allows you to select one or more packages
in the Java Package Explorer and format all .java
files in those packages. You can also choose to
select just the specific Java source files you
wish to format, or even the whole source directory.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2004-03-27 00:59


retainCounter is an application that converts a simple
[object release] into a NSLog(@"object retainCount:
%i",[object retainCount]); [object release];
command. This is sometimes useful if developers wish
to know the current count of an object before it is
released, which makes it easier to detect memory

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2003-05-25 04:05


objectStatus is a PHP class for observing and
logging objects. It collect messages and can
print them to the screen, write into a log file,
or send them via email to any number of
recipients. It can be used for development
purposes or for monitoring running applications.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2008-10-28 13:04

Yoxel SW

Yoxel SW is an adaptive project management
solution allowing you to maintain a continuous
feedback loop with your customers while
collaboratively planning and implementing
development iterations. It includes a request/bug
tracker, release manager, customer portal, and
knowledge/Q&A/FAQ management system.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2008-01-11 12:00


ebizzy is designed to generate a workload
resembling common Web application server
workloads. It is highly threaded, has a large
in-memory working set, and allocates and
deallocates memory frequently.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-08-26 11:57


JDBCPersistence is an Object Relational
Mapping framework. Designed for use in high
volume online banking applications, the
package delivers performance matching that
exhibited by hand-written JDBC code. It uses a
bytecode generation technique to create
bytecode for classes that implement logic used
for persisting the data. As the framework uses
SQL for querying data, the learning curve is
reduced. The footprint of the package is under

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2003-08-13 16:23

welofunc performer

welofunc performer is a load test tool to support
quality assurance of J2EE web applications. It
features portability to all platforms with a Java
virtual machine, an easy-to-use graphical user
interface, the ability to record tests with a Web
browser, and the ability to simulate an unlimited
number of concurrent users. A rich set of test
elements can be used to build your test plans,
including HTTP requests, procedures and procedure
calls, user think time, loops, and selectors.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2007-09-13 01:35


LAMPcheck is a pre-installation test script for
PHP applications. LAMP developers can provide the
script to end users to verify their LAMP
installations for required versions and modules of
Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It is easy to set up and
has template-based output.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-12-10 04:37

JUnit PDF Report

JUnit PDF Report generates PDF test reports from
your JUnit unit tests. Extension points give you
the opportunity to add contents to the report.
You can add descriptions and images to your test

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-10-30 21:58

Apps Unit

The Apps Unit toolkit assists with the testing of
your Oracle e-business suite code. It tests views,
PL/SQL packages, concurrent requests, and more. No
software needs to be installed on the application
server. Results are made available as a PDF report.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2013-07-04 12:23

SDMetrics Core

SDMetrics Core is a Java library to calculate metrics of structural design properties such as coupling, size, and complexity for UML designs. It also checks design rules to automatically detect incomplete or incorrect design, and adherence to style guidelines such as circular dependencies or naming conventions. The library provides an XMI parser for import of XMI 1.x files with UML1.3/1.4 models, and XMI 2.0/2.1 files with UML 2.x models. Design metrics, rules, and XMI import are highly customizable.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2002-05-22 12:01

What Bugs?

What Bugs? is a simple bug tracking system. It is
written in PHP and is designed for use with MySQL.
It supports tracking, priority levels, user
management, multiple projects, notes, and a few
other keen features. It is small and easy to

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2007-04-02 10:13


gmuck assists you in generating valid (X)HTML by examining the source code that generates it. It is not a replacement for real validation tools, but is handy for quick checks and in situations where validation of the actual markup is troublesome. It is a line-oriented tool, so its structural checking capabilities are limited, but it makes an attempt to report syntactical errors as well as providing some lint-like features.

(Machine Translation)