Simple Project List Software Map

489 projects in result set
最后更新: 2009-06-14 17:52


GreenMail is a suite of email servers for testing
purposes and sandbox
development. It supports SMTP, POP3, and IMAP
(including SSL) and can be
embedded into any Java application or unit test.
The GreenMail Service
(SAR) extension runs as a JBoss embedded developer
mail server sandbox,
manageable via JMX.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2007-04-02 09:52


yagg, given YACC-like and LEX-like input files,
generates a C++ program that generates all strings
of a user-specified length. This program can then
be used to generate inputs for testing, or to
validate that a grammar accepts the strings that
you think it does. The grammar file provides the
grammar productions for string generation, along
with optional action blocks that can perform
context-sensitive checks in order to limit the
generated strings. The LEX-like terminal generator
file provides specifications that instruct the
program how to generate strings for terminals in
the grammar.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2001-01-30 06:14


VSTHlite is a lite version of The Open Group's Threads verification suite VSTH. VSTHlite is a test package for use with VSXgen (the generic VSX test framework), and contains 700 tests for a subset of the POSIX96 threads interfaces and headers. It can be used standalone or together with other test packages under the VSXgen framework.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2005-05-02 05:43

Checkstyle XML to HTML transformer

CheckstyleXMLtoHTML simply converts XML files
created by Checkstyle into a simple HTML file,
with an additional index.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2004-09-14 08:36

Project Foundry

Project Foundry is a tool to create and maintain
information used during the development of
software projects. It is oriented towards the high
level management of the projects, and aims to
better integrate the usual tasks of management.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2007-09-01 14:21


Teamtrac is a tool to correlate different sources
of information regarding the software engineering
process. It is used by companies to monitor their
own software development process, and by
outsourcing companies to provide on-the-fly
information to their customers. It can provide the
glue between tools like a source repository (like
CVS or Subversion), a ticketing system like Trac
or Bugzilla, and a time tracking tool like Tutos,
Kimai or, if you're unlucky, some simple
spreadsheets. It can be used to provide statistics
and evaluations across the boundaries of each of
these tools.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2007-01-18 06:43


TN-GW-Scan is a scanner for scanning telnet
proxies. It is implemented using FWTK.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2005-10-01 15:03


nbCheckstyle is a Netbeans module to integrate the Checkstyle library into the IDE. Checkstyle helps developers adhere to a set of coding standards for Java.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2004-02-19 08:18


snip is an Ant task designed to help with the
single-sourcing of program documentation. This
task extracts snippets of text from files, placing
them into properties in the Ant project. These
properties can then be used by any other Ant task,
and are particularly useful when referenced by
<filter>s within the <copy> task. It
was originally written to keep snippets of sample
code in API documentation synchronized with the
actual sample classes by automatically extracting
code from the samples when the project is built.

(Machine Translation)