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Liferea (Linux Feed Reader) is a fast, easy-to-use, and easy-to-install GTK/GNOME desktop news aggregator for online news feeds and Web logs. It supports the important syndication formats (Atom, RSS, and OPML). Liferea supports offline reading.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-01-31 07:37

这是新的 1.10 系列的第一版候选。相比以前的不稳定版本 1.9.7,它现在提供干净的迁移到 GSettings、 TinyTinyRSS 1.6,支持和改进的播放器插件。
标签: Unstable
This is the first release candidate for the new 1.10 series.

Compared to the previous unstable release 1.9.7, it now provides a clean migration to
support for TinyTinyRSS 1.6, and an improved player plugin.

2013-01-05 06:54

此版本使得 Liferea 与更改 TinyTinyRSS 1.6 API 兼容。如果您使用的 TinyTinyRSS,请升级。
标签: Stable
This release makes Liferea compatible with the changed TinyTinyRSS 1.6 API. If you are using TinyTinyRSS, please upgrade.

2012-12-25 12:26

这是一个修复错误版本。它修复了与浏览器首选项和一个谷歌阅读器的通知问题的问题。它将移除 支持由于恶意软件警报。它提供了希伯来语和德语翻译的更新。
标签: Stable
This is a bugfix release. It fixes a problem with the browser preferences and a Google Reader notification issue. It removes support because of a malware alert. It provides Hebrew and German translation updates.

2012-03-19 10:33

此版本尝试改善总体性能通过在启动时避免内部 DB 更新和真空。仅当检测到某些级别的 sqlite3 数据库文件中的碎片时,现在执行清空操作。
标签: Stable
This release tries to improve overall performance by avoid internal DB updates and VACUUM on startup. VACUUMing is now performed only when a certain level of fragmentation in the sqlite3 database file is detected.

2012-03-04 10:23

这是一个修复错误版本修复代理,饲料更新、 数据分析和一个拖放的问题。所有用户都应都升级。
标签: Stable
This is a bugfix release fixing proxies, feed updates, data parsing, and a drag-and-drop problem. All users should upgrade.

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