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NoBug is a library which provides assertions, logging statements, and annotations for C and C++ programs. It includes pre-/post-condition and invariant checks, as well as generic assertions. Checks are enabled based on build-levels and scope tags. It also includes debugger support (valgrind), dumping of data structures, logging your application's activities, runtime customizable logging via environment variables, different logging targets (ringbuffer, stderr, syslog, debugger, etc.), and annotation of your source code regarding known bugs, things to do, and planned things. It can track resources and detect deadlocks.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-08-21 07:54

标签: Documentation, Stable
Major documentation improvements. A PDF for a hard copy can now be generated. Some small bugfixes. A new experimental fault coverage checking facility that allows one to find out if all possible error paths are sufficiently handled. Functionality to reset the resource tracker to a pristine state.

2010-06-02 07:08

改进支持非GCC编译器(太阳cc)和非Linux操作系统。 NoBug是现在可用在Solaris(一些TestSuite的修复仍在审理中)。与C + +和(有)未说明__func__关键字掩盖错误已得到修复,加入大大改善了编译器/语言检测。一些文件的改进和化妆品。有一个邮件列表了。
标签: Stable
Improved support for non-gcc compilers (sun cc) and non-Linux OSes. NoBug is usable on Solaris now (some testsuite fixes are still pending). An obscure bug with C++ and the (there) unspecified __func__ keyword has been fixed by adding much improved compiler/language detection. Some Documentation improvements and
cosmetics. There is a mailing list now.

2010-02-03 19:36

某些无聊的字符串改为以' - '中通过的情况下。多行继续日志行有一个特殊的事件感叹号(!)现在。竞争状态时,启动线程访问资源是固定的,这引入了资源跟踪宏块语法了。程序必须适应利用这一点。内部锁定了一大改革。
标签: bugfix
Certain boring strings were replaced with a '-' in passed contexts. Multiline continued log lines have a special event mark (!) now. A race condition when starting threads accessing resources was fixed; this introduces the block syntax for resource tracker macros again. Programs have to be adapted to take advantage of this. The internal locking got a big overhaul.

2010-01-29 18:39

The logging core was refactored, so it now supports multiline logging. Log statements can contain newline characters, which will emit to multiple loglines atomically; resource dumping uses this feature. The nobug libraries are now properly versioned. Internal ringbuffer documentation was added. The ringbuffer guard pages can now be dynamically configured. Resource logging stays active in BETA builds in preparation for offline resource tracking. Release targets for make were improved, which means more frequent releases in future.

2010-01-23 18:06

阿新设施将通过'源情况下'(文件,行,函数)。这使得我们能够发出的呼叫的功能代表诊断。在'_DBG'宏观变种被拆除,因为没有人真正用他们和他们的功能所取代'标志'。小bug和文件进行了改进。线程ID现在保持复位的线程数量。海湾合作委员会使用',##__ VA_ARGS__'的语义是分解出来。该图书馆现在应该在其他编译器编译过。 Mac OS X是目前正式测试和支持。
标签: Beta
A new facility was added to pass 'source-contexts' (file, line, function). This allows one to emit diagnostics on behalf of a calling function. The '_DBG' macro variants were removed because no one really used them and their functionality is superseded by the 'flags'. Small bugfixes and documentation improvements were made. Thread IDs now keep their thread number on reset. The use of the GCC ',##__VA_ARGS__' semantic is factored out. The library should now compile on other compilers too. Mac OS X is now officially tested and supported.

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